Are certain habits or beliefs holding you back from finding love?
Logan Ury helps identify your dating blindspots

Behavioral scientist turned dating coach Logan Ury leads a research team at the dating app Hinge dedicated to helping people find love. She wrote How to Not Die Alone to help people be informed and purposeful about their dating techniques and relationships.
In the olden days, moms used to clip articles from newspapers for their kids if they thought it was something they needed to know. I’m keeping an eye out for things that you might have missed that may be helpful to you.
This week’s clips:
Every day it seems another company is calling its workers back to the office full-time. Fast Company looks at how Gen Z is handling RTO.
For laughs, Friendship Explained with Anna Goldfarb shared a Bad Friend Bingo Card. For another round of fun, there’s a Bad Date Bingo Card too.
Behavioral scientist Katy Milkman saw a mind-boggling stat: 40% of premature deaths are due to behaviors that can be changed. Her book, How to Change, offers research-backed methods to help you stop procrastinating, save more money, and make healthier choices. Life Kit (listen or read) samples the most actionable lessons.
In 732 words, Heather Cox Richardson of Letters from an American sums up what Abraham Lincoln had to say about why the rule of law must prevail over individual passions during a time of religious fervor and moral crusades.
Is Your Health Tech Device Wearing YOU? Dr. Lucy McBride of Are You Okay? diagnoses when data-driven health becomes a source of anxiety and prescribes how to use health tech intentionally.