So the third time really was the charm. After postponing a trip to Italy twice, we successfully completed our family vacation there last week.
I like to name our self-guided travel adventures, so I dubbed this one Mamma Mia— an Italian exclamation that can convey many emotions, including surprise, fear, pain, joy, and exasperation. And indeed it was the perfect title for a traveling party of two parents and three grown children on a whirlwind tour of Venice, Florence, Rome, and several small Tuscan towns.
Though there is no regular edition of the newsletter this week because of Mamma Mia, rest assured that this break in production was not for naught—I am sure our experiences will eventually surface in some sort of content.
In the meantime, may we suggest a few posts you might have missed for your reading pleasure? Or you can always click the button to check Mom’s Attic for other posts you might have missed.
Ahhhh sounds like a wonderful trip!